Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Day 2 At STAR WARS Celebration V (Aug. 13th, 2010)

Another day, another Disney panel. This time around it was all about Star Tours and Star Wars Collectibles. The obvious question was when can we expect the STAR WARS Vinylmation, the answer was simple... Later. Another question about Vinylmation was, will there be any big figs? The answer at this point is "There are currently none planned." Now if your depressed, dont be. the announced the line up for series 5 of the Disney/Star Wars crossover figures and they look awesome(we will have full photos of them soon.)

Some really great posters were given out at the event. if your rolled poster contained a ticket, you won an exclusive and very rare silver Boba Fett Racer that was limited to 500 pieces.

Where as C3PO actor Anthony Daniels was the surprise guest at yesterdays panel R2-MK was todays special guest. He came and greeted visitors of the panel and then made a very speedy exit.

Droid building is huge at SWCV. Tons of Astromech droids have been spotted throughout the celebration but none quite like this. A life size Lego R2-D2 was wandering the floor much to the delight of adults and children alike.

The Ink Fusion tattoo Expo is quite a big deal here. Even Disney fans got in on the action, like this young lady who had Mickey's iconic head transformed in to the symbol for the Galactic republic. -Admiral Duke

1 comment:

  1. Nice to see a tattoo that I did made it to the article! awesome! Patrick D. Imperial Class Tattoo!
